Charlotte Joffroy


Charlotte Joffroy is a fashion and beauty photographer in Paris.

Born into a Franco-German family of artists, Charlotte tried her hand at photography at a very young age. As a teenager, she took portraits of her friends and family with the camera her parents gave her. Sensitive to several arts, she also attended the music academy with the idea of starting a career as a viola-player in an orchestra. Today, Charlotte is also a musician under the name of Areeum.

Driven by a scientific curiosity, she first learned about programming and 3D modelling. But after a scientific education in high school, she flew to South Korea, a new pillar of her inspiration, and confirmed her passion for visual arts. On her return, she joined a photography school in Paris where she learned the basics of photographic technique. During her studies, she participated in the creation of a magazine cover, which gave her an entry into the fashion world.

Today, Charlotte is pursuing her career as a photographer and continues to evolve as an artist through numerous personal projects. Her work mixes the human, the virtual and the aesthetic. Open to the world, Charlotte offers striking images immersing us in a sensitive and organic universe.

